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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2016

Muscle Building Program - 3 Day Workout For a Buffer You!

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If you are up to gain muscle, then you should have the right program for you. You should know what type of program you will have no hard time following whether the program itself or to your workout schedule. Just make sure that when you follow a certain program, you should consult your doctor first to be sure you have the right condition to engage such workout. Here is your three day muscle building program that will surely show great results in no time. Monday Bench press 1x12, 10, 10 Incline press 1x12, 10, 10 Military press 1x12, 10, 10 Side-raise 3x12 Tricep ext 3x12 Kickback 3x12 Tuesday Squat 1x12, 10, 10 Lunges 3x12 Stiff-Legged Dead lift 3x12 Leg Curl 3x12 Calf-raise 5x12 Wednesday Rest your body. Get more sleep and eat plenty. Thursday Pull down 1x12, 10, 10 Seated Row 1x12, 10, 10 Bent-over-raise 1x12, 10, 10 Shrugs 3x12 Barbell Curl 3x12 DB Curl 3x12 Friday Rest day You don't have to workout every day especially if you are busy with your work or school. By following th...

Getting Bigger Muscles - What Supplements Should You Take to Get Better Results?

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Muscle building supplements are just that, ways for bodybuilders and anyone else who take their exercise efforts seriously to the next level so that they can get great looking results in less time. This is something that supplement creators have not let go unnoticed. But the market is so saturated with different products that it can be rather overwhelming when you see the countless available products. There are three products in particular that have shown great promise though for building bigger muscles. #1 Protein powder. Most times this comes in the form of whey protein and can be mixed with a variety of things, but protein is vital for the building and repaid of strong, lean muscle. #2 Creatine. This is something that is naturally found in our bodies, but usually not in large enough levels to provide a consistent supply of it during their workouts. #3 The third supplement is one of the most important ones because it takes what the other supplements have to offer and makes even hig...

Reducing Belly Fat - You Too Can Lose the Belly Fat

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Do you like what you see in the mirror? Are you concerned about your health? For many people, both are a concern. What they see when they look is belly fat hanging over their belt or their shirt stretched to its limits. No one likes to be uncomfortable in their own skin but even more important are the possible health risks associated with belly fat. Belly fat is not only what you see, it can also be inside your body around your organs. This can lead to serious health risks such as heart disease and heart attacks. This is one of the reasons why reducing belly fat is so important. Best Ways To Reduce Belly Fat - Make Changes In Your Diet Let's face it. If you are overweight, you've got to lose the fat before you can even think about having great abs. It doesn't matter how you work your ads if they are covered in fat. No one will ever know you have toned abs. The lower your body fat the better your ads will look even without exercise. You don't have to go crazy. If you s...

Very Best Shoulder Exercises For Mass

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Your shoulders are the core of a v-taper. That means that if you look at your body from waist to shoulders then you should see a V with your waist being the bottom and your body widening out as much as possible as you get to the shoulders. Because of this anyone that wants to look more athletic and stronger will want to work all three heads of the deltoid, or shoulder muscles. Here are my three favorite shoulder exercises Side laterals  - This exercise is done by standing with a fairly light dumbbell in each arm. Lean forward just a little bit and then lift the weights out to your sides with your arms almost straight and near the top pull your shoulders back a little to make sure that you can really feel the contraction in your shoulders. A set or two of these and your shoulders will be burning. Pull-ups  - These are a compound exercise meaning that you are not just working the shoulders but also the biceps. To do pull-ups just hold a barbell with your hands about 6-10 inche...

Top 4 Exercises For Massive Legs!

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"Got wheels? " The legs are the pride and joy of every bodybuilder. Having striated quadriceps, bulging hamstrings and wide calves is testament to a strict and maniacal work ethic. Who wouldn't like to be known for that? In this article we are going to look at some of the most effective leg exercises that will completely transform your lower body and have everyone gasping when you wear some shorts. Hamstrings. 1 - Stiff Legged Dead lifts: By far one of the most popular hamstring exercise is the stiff leg deadlift. It is an extremely effective hamstring workout that emphasises stretching the hamstring muscle in the movement and I can personally attest to the significant gains that I have obtained from using this exercise. It must be said that the rounded back form that one has to take during the movement is less than ideal so I would definitely recommend wearing a weightlifting belt to stabilise your back during the exercise. However it must be said that stiff legged dead...

How to Get Six Pack Abs - Three Things You Must Focus On

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When it comes to getting six pack abs-and getting them fast-there really are only three things you must focus on. Without further delay-here we go! THINK FOOD FIRST Yes, I know that most people think that exercising your abs is the best and fastest way to a six pack-but this is simply not true. Your diet is the first place you need to start-if you are truly serious about getting a chiseled core. Why? Simple. While exercise can burn off some calories, the fact remains, if you do not eat it you will not need to worry about burning it off. So what to focus on? Lean protein is up first and should be the first thing you eat because protein fills you up and keeps you full-which means you will eat less. Good Stuff. White meat chicken, turkey and lean beef fit the bill here. Fat is next, focus on healthy fats from seeds, and fatty fish like sardines. The rest of your diet should be made up of quality carb sources. I know that books have been penned about carbs, but the reality is that veget...

Do Not Waste Your Time Building Chest Muscles!

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Three Great Ways for Building Chest Muscles If you're in the game of building chest muscles then you don't want to waste your time with doing the wrong exercises. It is important to find the best exercises that will help you reach your goal. There are 3 great exercises to use when building chest muscles. They are the bench press, the dumbbell bench press and push-ups. They are simple yet very effective. Don't waste time by working out on exercise machines. Use free weights and your own body to achieve the best results. The Bench Press If you have any shoulder problems then you need to skip this exercise. But if this is not the case then doing bench presses is great. When you are doing the bench press your triceps and front deltoids are being most affected because they are doing the lifting. But you also want to work your pectoral muscles. To accomplish this you can spread your elbows further out on the bar and when lowering the bar bring it to a higher position on your ches...

Gain Muscle and Lose Fat - Free Diet Plan for Bodybuilders

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If you go to the bookstore or look online, you'll quickly notice that there's no shortage of diet books or websites. It seems that everyone and their brother has a book that guarantees to show you the secret of weight loss. Some of these diet books and websites are actually pretty good. Many of them have good, healthy information about losing weight. A few even have tips for dieting to add muscle too. Unfortunately, most of the time diet books and the free diet plans you find on a website are geared toward everyday people who want to lose a few pounds of body fat. It can be difficult to find a free diet plan that is focused on bodybuilders. The same eating plan that might help a person who doesn't work out seriously usually isn't much help at all to someone who is serious about making gains at the gym. Bodybuilders have more advanced nutritional needs than people who don't hit the weights hard. Why Are Bodybuilding Diets Different? Bodybuilders are concerned, firs...

You Are Wasting Your Time Working Out Your Biceps!

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Your biceps are the biggest muscles in your arm besides your triceps. Many people spend a lot of time in the gym working out their biceps by performing tons of different exercises which takes up a lot of time. There are exercises that don't take as long and pump up your biceps like you've never seen them before. Here is the best bicep workout you will ever encounter: Dumbbell curl drop set. The dumbbell curl is the best exercise for your biceps. The thing people do wrong is curling their arm while doing it. You want to keep both arms parallel and with your forearms pointing upwards, when your forearms are pointing towards you that is called hammer curls and works a totally different part of the bicep. The best way to kill the muscle is by doing a drop set. A drop set consists of three sets put together to form one set. You start at your maximum weight and do 6-8 reps, then drop the weight 10-15 lbs, do another 6-8 reps, then drop the weight 5-10 lbs and do another 6-8 reps. Do...

What You Must Do to Get a Great Chest - It's Easier Than You Think!

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If you are into bodybuilding or simply want to look as good as you can then it is an absolute must that you develop your pectoral muscles. Understanding exactly how to develop your chest is going to be very important and as such here are some tips for a bigger chest. It doesn't matter how much you pray for it and how many supplements you take unless you are willing to put in the hard work you are never going to achieve your goal of developing a bigger chest. You need to get the right motivation, the right exercise routine, the right workouts, and the right diet in order to see proper results. What you eat is going to be absolutely critical. Anyone should be completely aware that when they are trying to put on muscle that you need to eat frequently. Your primary focus should certainly be on getting plenty of protein in your diet as well. This is absolutely essential for muscle growth. The rest of your diet needs to be made up of healthy foods that will give you the right energy in...

Discover How To Time Your Meals For Faster Muscle Growth

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I am sure that you have heard that nutrition is responsible for 80% of your results. This is a hard number to quantify but it is true that proper nutrition is essential for maximal muscle growth and development in the quickest time. For those that are looking to add as much muscle mass in the quickest possible time it is essential that you time your nutrient intake. Workouts Destroy Not Build The time you spend in the gym working out and lifting weights is damaging to your body breaking down your muscles. When you feel sore after a tough workout, that is muscle damage. You need nutrients to grow, repair and build muscle. Just as important as the growth is the ability nutrient timing to help you burn unwanted fat. There are a few times throughout your day that nutrient intake is critical. Time To Grow Early Morning It is critical that you eat first thing in the morning because you have just starved yourself for 6 - 8 hours. Your body needs nutrition after repairing muscles and other t...

Fast Ways To Recover From Your Muscle Building Workouts

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As you go about putting in more and more effort in the gym during your muscle building workouts, one thing that you want to be sure of is that you're also taking the time to look after your recovery. Some guys go into the gym each and every day and only beat their body down further and further. Remember, in order to grow stronger, you must provide that rest that the body needs to regenerate itself so that you can lift more weight in the next session you do. If you aren't letting this recovery process take place, you may actually find you're weaker when you go back into the gym and in the long-run this could eventually cause you to lose lean muscle mass. Therefore, by making use of the following fast ways to recover from your muscle building workout plan, you can see top notch results and feel a great deal better as you go about the program as well. Let's look at the main things remember about recovering from your muscle building workouts. Get Post-Workout Nutrition In...

How to Build Pectoral Muscles Fast - Add Inches to Your Chest in a Matter of Weeks

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Ask any girl what her favorite body part on a guy is, and she will most likely tell you the chest. Almost every guy in the world wants to learn how to build pectoral muscles fast. And that's understandable, having a nice chest makes you much more attractive and also makes you feel much better about yourself. The only problem is that many guys don't know the correct way to build up your pectorals and they end up giving up without making any progress. But don't worry, this won't be you because you're about to learn the secret to huge pecs. First, your chest workout should be centered around compound exercises (flat, incline, and decline bench press; chest dips). Choose 2-3 of these workouts and do 2-3 sets of each. (start off with less and work your way up). You should do 8-12 reps with each set. This is the best number of reps to stimulate muscle growth. Once you choose your workouts, now you need to determine the right amount of weight to lift. An easy way to do th...

10 Reasons Why Your Muscles Are Not Developing

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You often wonder why your muscles are not developing or improving your built even after months of training and weight training program. Fitness experts and enthusiasts explained that there are several reasons why this is happening and there are psychological, physiological and social reasons behind this. Here are the top 10 reasons why your muscles are not developing. 1. You can be practicing rigid training and you are taking less protein than your body needed. We all know that protein is an essential nutrient in building the muscles. 2. You may have a poor diet, which can also be a factor in developing the muscles. If you are eating fewer calories that your body needs, your body will end up burning the muscles instead of gaining them. 3. When you are undergoing weight training program, you need to watch what you eat and you need the aid of a dietician for this. If you already have one, then follow the rules strictly. 4. You might be doing too much training more than what is required...